5 Popular Types Of E-Learning Approaches


When it comes to developing eLearning content for learners, different approaches are implemented to make learning as effective as possible. Let’s take a look at the popular approaches content developers in 2024. 


The microlearning approach would involve delivering ‘bite-sized’ training courses containing only the necessary information for the learning. The information shared in these courses is usually in –

  • Texts
  • Scenarios 
  • Whiteboard animations 
  • Images
  • Video-based learning 
  • Surveys and quizzes 

They are usually courses that deal with specific topics. The ability to retain information is easier and better than a 60-minute course. 

Content developers take this approach because it is quick to develop, easy to maintain, and will be easily accessible to learners whenever required. 

If you want to develop online e-learning courses for skills training, compliance training, and onboarding training for employees, microlearning would seem like an ideal approach. 

Interaction eLearning 

The interactive eLearning approach will make the learner interact with the course content. There are mainly two types of interactivities that can be used in eLearning content – 

  • Clickable Interactivities – Learners will be able to click on the content to access information. Common examples include clickable tabs, graphics, images, and numbers.  
  • Thinking Interactivities – Learners will have to observe and process the content presented on the screen and proceed with a specific action. Common examples include math-the-following and drag-and-drop.  

With interactive learning, learners will get to actively participate while taking the course. By applying the principles of kinaesthetic learning, this approach is supposedly the most effective form of learning as compared to courses that only have graphics and text layouts. 

Game-Based Learning 

The game-based learning approach incorporates gaming components while designing a course to motivate learners and increase the level of engagement. Not only does it make learning interesting, but it also promotes problem-solving and critical thinking abilities in learners. If you want to design courses for Generation-Z learners, you should definitely consider this approach. 

In game-based e-Learning courses, learners will have to work towards a goal by choosing the best actions. In the process, they’ll also get to experience the consequences of every action they take. 

Responsive eLearning 

Responsive eLearning would mean that the content would be accessible across different devices in appropriate formats. It would include resizing to fit a particular device for optimal viewing. These courses will also be compatible with various media formats, such as texts, videos, images, animations, etc. 

As users are constantly switching between different devices in a single day, it is important to make courses responsive to them all in order to make learning more efficient and accessible to learners. 

Stimulation-Based eLearning 

In simulation-based eLearning, learners will be able to experience an authentic risk-free atmosphere that mimics the conditions of real-life to explore, practice, and learn on-the-job roles. Just like game-based learning, this approach is also based on the Kinaesthetic learning principle. 

Simulation-based learning comes in three different modes – 

  • Watch Simulation – Learners observe an action step-by-step. 
  • Try Simulation – Learners perform a task with hints. 
  • Does Simulation – Learners perform a task without any help or assistance. 

While these five approaches are readily used in developing eLearning content, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are the latest technological developments that may revolutionize the training industry in the near future.